Please Note:
Workshops Offered for 2025
Discount available to those taking 2 or more workshops.
Interested ?
Email me and Put your name on the List.
Please Register at least 1 week before classes - otherwise the class may be cancelled due to lack of participation.
Only acceptation will be if you want a private class. Private Class Fees will apply.
Fun With Encaustics- Iron Work
1 Day
Dates: Saturday : June 21 or Aug 16, 2025
When : Time: 10-4pm
Where : Dianna's Studio in the Country ( 6 km N - Vegreville, Alberta)
Max: 5 Students per class
Reserve your spot: - Note your preferred date.
e-transfer - - with your name-phone#- and email address in message- and date preferred.
Questions or concerns - Email: or call 780-632-7820
Cost: $155.00 includes all supplies
Please join me for an introductory course where you will learn the basics of working with encaustic using an iron and stylus.
We will cover history, health and safety, set up, and the basic iron techniques as well as drawing with the stylus.
Additional information will be provided via email before class.
If anyone has a cough / cold or fever and cannot make it – full payment is refunded, when notified 5 days before class.
Encaustic 2 : Card Making-On Request only
1 Day -
Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of working with encaustic wax.
Dates: Saturday:
When: 10am to 4pm
Where: Dianna’s Studio in the country (6km Northwest of Vegreville)
Cost: $155 includes all supplies
Reserve your spot:
e-transfer - - with your name-phone#- and email address in message- and date preferred.
Questions or concerns - Email: or call 780-632-7820
If anyone has a cough / cold or fever and cannot make it – full payment is refunded, when notified 5 days before class.
Max: 5 Students per class
Please join me for a fun class that you will continue to learn more working with encaustic using an iron, stylus, scribbling tools, rubber stamps using Ink and hot wax.
We will cover history, health and safety, set up, recap on iron techniques, the different types of paper used for this session, as well as a variety of ways to manipulate your paintings/cards.
Time permitting; we also will explore effect of wax using a heat gun. Everyone will go home with completed painting or card ready to frame.
Additional information will be provided via email before class.
Other workshops coming up will involve working with Hot Tools, Heat Gun, Hotplate, Tissue, and more.
Encaustic: 3 - On Request only
Hot Air Tools/Tissue/Sponges
1 Day
Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of working with encaustic wax with iron.
Dates: Saturday :
Dates: TBA –Interested ? Put your name on the List.
When: 10am to 4pm
Where: Dianna’s Studio in the country (6km Northwest of Vegreville)
Cost: $155 includes all supplies
Max: 4 Students per class
Reserve your spot:
Put your name on the List and specify date.
Please join me for a fun class that you will continue to learn more working with encaustic wax, using an iron, a heat gun, iron as a hotplate, stylus, scribbling tools, indirect wax transfer using tissue, sponges and rubber stamps.
We will cover history, health and safety, set up, recap on iron techniques, important points on the use of hot air tools, the different types of paper used for this session, other substrates, as well as a variety of ways to manipulate your paintings.
Time permitting; we also will explore effect of wax using a hotplate/griddles. Everyone will go home with completed painting.
Additional information will be provided via email before class.
# 4 - Lets Get you Fired up
1 – Day
Basic Technique in Encaustic on Birch Panels
Date: Saturdays: July 5 or July 19, 2025
When: 10am – 4pm
Where: Dianna’s Studio in the country (6km Northwest of Vegreville)
Cost: $195 - Includes all supplies -
Wood panels, gesso, wax medium, colored wax and use of studio tools.
Max: 4 Students per class
To Reserve a spot contact- Dianna via:
e-transfer - - with your name-phone#- and email address in message- and date preferred.
Questions or concerns - Email: or call 780-632-7820
This Lesson is the most basic technique one needs to learn when working in encaustic on birch board. This medium works differently from other mediums, because the wax is hot and needs to remain so in order to continue to be workable.
We will cover history, health and safety, setup, priming, sanding, fusing, important points on the use of hot air tools, varying layers for thickness and creating different textures. Also, how to finish your piece and ready to hang. This will give you a starting point to develop your own painting.
Everyone will go home with all the samples they created as well as at least 1 finished product at the end of day.
Additional information will be provided via email before class.
If anyone has a cough / cold or fever and cannot make it – full payment is refunded, when notified 5 days before class.
# 5 Photo Encaustic Techniques
1 Day
Prerequisite: Workshop # 4 an asset , but not necessary
Date: Sunday: July 6 or July 20,2025
When: 10am to 4pm
Where: Dianna’s Studio in the country (6km Northwest of Vegreville)
Cost: $195 Most supplies included
Reserve your spot:
e-transfer - - with your name-phone#- and email address in message- and date preferred.
Questions or concerns -Email: or call 780-632-7820
Max: 4 Students per class
If anyone has a cough / cold or fever and cannot make it – full payment is refunded, when notified 5 days before class.
Please join me for a fun class that you will continue to learn more working with encaustic wax.
This is a information and hands on packed workshop.
There are three primary photo encaustic methods used for incorporating photography with encaustic.
1. Photo Encaustic: Photos printed on different papers, adhered to substrate, working with encaustic on top of photo. Experiment with, the stylus, India ink, charcoal, foils, and Pan pastels,
2. Photo Transfer: Printed image is burnished onto a wax surface, transferring ink to wax, continuing to work on top of transfer. Experiment with using Parchment paper.
3. Photo Collage: Using a variety of papers, items and methods to incorporate photographic images with encaustic.
We will cover history, health and safety, set up, recap on iron techniques, important points on the use of hot air tools, the different types of paper used for this session, other substrates, as well as a variety of ways to manipulate your paintings.
Everyone will go home with all the samples they created.
Additional information will be provided via email before class.
Other Options
________COVID 19 RESTRICTIONS apply only when AHC Requests
All participants must wear masks at all times except when social distancing can be achieved.
Limit of 3 students – With 3 Students you will get the benefit similar to a semi-private class.
Work stations are set at 6’ feet apart and have their own supplies.
Sanitizer- available at entry – apply before entering.
If anyone has a cough / cold or fever and cannot make it – full payment is refunded, when notified 5 days before class.
Semi-Private and Private Lessons available on request
Other lessons available on request – I can show you how to make impressions, use fabric, papers, stencil, using found object or natural elements, photo and image transfers. The possibilities are endless.
Note *I also book private and semi-private lessons which will give my complete attention, geared to your specific needs and requests.